LED retrofit of airfield signs

Conversion of existing airfield signs in to LED (Light Emitting Diode) version.
The existing airfield signs using conventional lamp sources such as halogen lamps or fluorescent tubes or cold cathode tubes are converted using LED modules.

The retrofit works can be undertaken on any type of signs of any manufacturer. The retrofit works consist to install the LED modules and its power supply in the existing chassis of the signs while keeping the same front panel. This is a “plug & play” solution that can be easily undertaken and which presents a number of advantages such as less power consumption, maintenance free, homogenous luminance repartition at the output and a long term reliable equipment.

The photometric performance of the signs that are converted in to LED version shall be measured using the camera based PANELSNAP equipment and reports handed over.
Conformity verifications are made against the standards as specified in the ICAO Annex 14 Vol 1 Edition 2009 and the FAA Circular AC 150/5345-46C.